Mr Isaac Utere and Gladys Vassard unveils logo

Port Harcourt based Singer, Gladys Vassard officially unveils her own Entertainment outfit by name, G.V. Megastar Entertainment, and it’s logo. The new outfit is set to put Port Harcourt Entertainment activities on the World Map.

Gladys Vassard

During the briefing held yesterday at Ediz Wine GRA Port Harcourt, the enterprise disclosed that they’ve signed on Mr. Isaac Utere of Mediaworks as consultant to enable them achieve their planned goals, as well as take the right decisions with regards to execution of entertainment matters. 

Responding to Press Men, GV Megastar declared that Gladys Vassard is the first act they are signing on but they are open to new intake of  artistes, but that will be after a while, as She(Gladyse Vassard) will be chunning out her music for public consumption and patronage.
They called on Nigerians in Port Harcourt and every other part of the World to support their vision of bringing another fire into the entertainment scene.
When asked how they intend actualizing this vision, Mr Utere the label’s Consultant and spokesman said GV Megastar has a planned structure that will ensure every entertainer or creative person that works with them will certainly get paid, that it won’t be business as usual where entertainers lament over non payment of performance funds.

They hinted that there are plans for series of events that will engage the entire Nigerian cities and connect Port Harcourt to the World. At such they urge social media users, bloggers, Tv and Radio Operators Print, bill board owners to support the activities in anyway possible.
It will be recalled that on the 22nd of January 2017 Isaac Utere had said during Dandizzy Bursting Loose, that their will be landmark changes, in the entertainment sector, and haven seen his contributions to certain events at his base in Port Harcourt such as CEO Lifestyle party and the first ever 2 days live street show that held on the 18th and 19th of March, GV Megastar simply proves that entertainment just got a new flame from Port Harcourt Nigeria.

Source: Blue News

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