ManGrove Photography prepares for the naming ceremony of his son Tamunotubo Saint Lucas

ManGrove Photography who was named the best photographer for the year, posted on his social media accounts the pictures of his newly born baby that has been the latest gist in town.

 The baby was born on Sunday 30th of April, 2017 after the birthday celebration of ManGrove Photography with Dj Kevin scratch supreme unchained celebrants for the month of April 2017  and was immediately signed as the face of ManGrove brand.

 Tamunotubo Saint Lucas (St. Lukaz) happen to share the same month of birth with his Dad.

He further disclose to us (  in a chat that His naming ceremony will take place on Sunday 7th of May,  2017.

Stay with us as more details about the event would be made known to you as soon as possible.

Congrats ManGrove Photography

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