If we all know history, there is one thing we should all realize; and
that is, back through the years (at least till about 10 years ago) it
has been a fact that the way society has brought up both female and male
children ( tho’ evolving) has been different as both genders are always
being treated differently. While this is something feminist are
fighting against, it is still in our history.

Ok, so when we take a look at the males, they were raised with the
mindset of ” traditionally males can have as many wives as they want or
can have.” It is also important to note that for a male to marry the
second wife and third he has to cheat on the first.

But, when we look at the females, they were raised to think of giving
their soul, body and attention to single man, even if he has fifty
wives (how cruel and selfish to raise someone with this mentality tho’,
but it happened).

Now, advancing through out the years while males have been lawfully
made to stick to marrying one wife, because of a mentality given to them
through generations before, they feel they have rights to cheat and
move with other women. And when not married is often worse.

Women on the other hand, getting tired of living with the mentality
they had before and tired of being treated like that to by a man they
devoted their all to also came up with a mentality of “Don’t out all
your eggs in one basket”. This was to save them the stress of sticking
to one guy who had other girlfriends and has promised all of them
marriage without each of them knowing about the other. So as to also be
able to get married on time, they started not putting all their eggs in a

Now forwarding to today, we have more relationships full of people
cheating on each other than with people who love eachother and stay
faithful to one another.

While it would have been very normal to point fingers and say that
one sex is worse than the other( which would be very biased) it is
important to note that so can not be the case as both genders are out
there in the world getting heartbroken everyday.

I don’t feel males cheat more or females cheat more as cheating has
become more of an individual thing and a stereotype amongst everyone.
Both genders are equal. While everyone points fingers at eachother, it
is due to say for a fact that both genders are overly guilty. There is
no “more” nor “less” between both genders.

Honestly, I feel it’s time people stop being biased also and stop
tearing the opposite sex down when their own sex is guilty also as
charged. Let’s call a spade “a spade” and say it as it is.

Feel free to drop comments on your thoughts.

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