Mr Isaac Utere to break a world record with Entertainment Advancement Awards 2021

 Following the press briefing that was held by the Convener Mr Isaac Utere and his team on Friday the 6th of February by 10am at the Omas event Center to brief the media and their partners what they will be expecting at the forth coming award.

 Mr Utere told the media his reasons for the award, that his major reason for creating the award is a selfish reason, as it is a known fact that his children are into entertainment and he sees it as a personal responsibility to make his city great so that his children can also take advantage of it, so that in the end it also turns around to favour him and his family.

He also stated that the award is aimed at acknowledging those who have contributed greatly to the entertainment industry, so that they can be rewarded and in the end propel the young ones who are coming up to do better. As they aim to be like the older generation who will become recipients of this award.

The award according to Mr isaac Utere is going to be a record breaking award as it aims to award one hundred people, which has never been done before at any award event.

The question of “Who deserves this award and what are the criteria’s to be nominated for the award?” was asked and Mr UK who is also a team player in this upcoming award answered stating that a recipient must be one who has contributed to the advancement and growth of the industry in one way or the other.

When asked “Where they hope to see this award in the next 5years?” they said they see the award competing with international awards all around the world. Seeing the nature of the award and how they aim to make it an unbiased platform where people can’t pay their way through or get unmerited. But every recipient will be awarded without sentiments or bias.

According to Mr Isaac Utere The EA award plaques are not going to be imported from China but are all going to be handcrafted by him and his team at their workshop. And each plaque for every category will have its own uniqueness .

He stated that their will be an event tagged ‘The revelation’ ,where he will officially unveil the award plaque with their different color variation. An important point he noted was that recipients of the Young Trailer Blazers category will be given certificates instead of award plaques in order to set them apart from the veterans.

Mr Isaac Utere who is known for his gifted hands in stage making was asked “You are known for your gifted skills in Stage creation, we have seen you do amazing works for other events, what do we hope to see at this event?”he answered saying that he will “WOW” the public with what he plans to create at the event.

He further went on to say that the award is not restricted to only those based in the city of Port harcourt, but will kick off from Port Harcourt in order to grow and get the attention of others outside the city.

When asked if he was getting the support of the government either financially or other wise in order to make the award a success he answered stating that, we the people are the government and his award wasn’t getting any support from the Rivers State government or any other state government. 

But he has the capacity with or without the government to bring to life the standard he desires especially with the backing of his eligible sponsors and partners like Omas Studio, Mr Churchil Eneh CEO Peniuella Events, Graftons Entertainment, Sky Reach Oil & Oil, No limit music, Bonitas, Lit Studios and Many more.

The EA awards is slated to hold on the 11th of April 2021, all road will be leading to the Omas event center , bringing together the Creme de la Creme of the Entertainment industry.

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