[peotry]-- Clean_Tourists by Steward of words



These Clean Tourists have taken over our streets,

Like Pointed Noses,

They no longer mind their businesses,



Like Stray bullets,

They find their way into our private corners.

No regard for our cultural boundaries.

Like bad ovaries,

They birth Pain, Hate, Strife and a little pleasure.

These Clean Tourists have taken over our lands,

The works of our hands,

We cleared those bushy paths,

Tilled those shallow holes,

Watered the fallow dry lands till they were wet,

Now they feed off the works of our long suffering fingers.

The juicy fruits are theirs,

We have Nutting.

These Clean Tourists have taken over our hearts,

So we cannot complain,

They have Candies,


That make our brains pop,

So when they take away our collective destinies,

All we do is speak in low tones,

Whispers, Moans, Gibberish!

These Clean Tourists have owned us,

Copulating good and evil,

Pain and Pleasure,

Amalgamating civilization (and) in-dependence.

One hundred years backwards,

Our backs are on the ground...

Legs wide open,

We have surrendered.

These Clean Tourists are in our heads,

So nothing else can go in,

We know the difference between good and evil,

But cannot tell which is each.

They have liberated our hands from shackles and tied our minds,

So we are free, Liberal.

They gave us one and took  everything

They are guilty of nothing our HEADS didn't GIVE THEM.


These Clean Tourists are sweet

So although we follow them to Oblivion,

Nobody can hear a loud cry for Rescue.

Ephraim Emmanuel.

Copyright Protected



#Steward of words


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