The tragic loss of Ilerioluwa Olademeji Aloba, better known as Mohbad, has left many grieving and seeking answers. His untimely passing on September 12, 2023, followed by a swift burial, has raised suspicions and prompted calls for a thorough investigation.
The subsequent exhumation of his body for an autopsy further intensified the scrutiny surrounding his death. As the results of the autopsy remain pending, Mohbad's father, Joseph Aloba, has publicly asserted that the person responsible for his son's demise is someone close to the family.
In an audio message circulating on social media, Mr. Aloba vowed to unveil the identity of his son's killer. The weight of this revelation hangs heavy, and the world awaits the truth with bated breath.
The pain of losing a loved one is immeasurable, and the pursuit of justice becomes a solemn duty. May Mohbad's memory endure, and may the truth prevail in due time. 🕊️